So, a couple weeks ago a few of us staff were at a place called Queen’s bath (as beautiful as it sounds), filming our scene for the AWAKEN DTS staff video -not quite finished yet, but a link will be up when it is:). It was a pretty nice day, a little cloudy, which I’m learning is an afternoon trend around here, but it was still enjoyable. As I was waiting to shoot my part I sat down in the sand and began to look around me, trying to take it all in; from the gentle waves to the salty breeze stopping momentarily to kiss my face before moving on to mangle my hair. My gaze began at eye level, and moved across the horizon startling with the massive cruise ship in the distance, somehow managing to float, and on to the vacation rentals cradling the shore behind me. How far from the anything in Minnesota it all was. Slowly my eyes moved down over the lava rock, tide pools and children in floaties excitedly embarking on their own adventures; screams and all. Eventually my gaze drifted down to my wrinkled pants, dirty feet and the sand around me. The sand around me. Something about it drew me in closer, and as I leaned over, low enough for my nose to nearly touch it, I saw that it wasn’t just sand but tiny shells mixed amidst the sand pebbles. I sat up slowly, raised my sand covered hands closer and began to slowly sift my fingers through the little treasures. It was incredible. Shells of varying colors and patterns, shapes and petite sizes.
I’m not sure if these pictures will show it well enough, but it blew my mind that there could be shells a small as a grain of sand. And that in those miniature shells was, or had been, tiny creatures. Creatures that I, the average person, rarely sees or even notices, and would probably need a microscope to truly see. It boggles my mind! What in the world was God thinking? Our God, a God who in all his power parts seas, calms oceans, creates the Grand Canyon and hand crafted you and I, took time in the midst of all everything to dream up these barely noticeable little creations. Why?
I’m not sure if these pictures will show it well enough, but it blew my mind that there could be shells a small as a grain of sand. And that in those miniature shells was, or had been, tiny creatures. Creatures that I, the average person, rarely sees or even notices, and would probably need a microscope to truly see. It boggles my mind! What in the world was God thinking? Our God, a God who in all his power parts seas, calms oceans, creates the Grand Canyon and hand crafted you and I, took time in the midst of all everything to dream up these barely noticeable little creations. Why?
Most people would most likely reply, “It’s for His glory” and “because He can.” I think there’s more to it than just that. I’m not sure what exactly that “more” is, but I wonder if He did it so show His gentleness. Those tiny tiny shells He made a part of this world. Those little creatures He cared enough about to bring to life, knowing full well that a majority of his creatures would never take note. He didn’t do it for us, but he did it. Or maybe He did do it for us. Maybe He did it knowing that one day someone like me would walk on that beach, sit down and take notice. And that while taking notice that person would feel like they had unearthed a s
mall portion of the infamous lost treasure of the sea. A treasure dreamed about. A treasure few get to see. A treasure few get to hold in the palm of their hands.
As I walked off the beach that day and packed into the van with the others I couldn’t help wondering about other things in this world that are like those shells. Treasures constantly being overlooked. Unlikely places waiting to be discovered, appreciated, enjoyed. A person waiting to be noticed, conversed with and validated for who they are as they are. Maybe it’s as simple as starting up a new conversation or as adventurous as trying new food but I can’t help but think there is so much out there out there waiting for us find it. Too many treasures waiting to be found. I going to dig up my treasure map, how about you? :)
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