Friday, August 27, 2010

Simply Extraordinary

The weeks are flying by. It's crazy. These last two were full of researching and filling out visa forms, preparing budgets for outreach and feeble attempts to organize some type of a schedule for our time China. All great things, but all also enough to make this girl more than enthusiastic about receiving the weekend, and two days off coming with it. Usually, I spend a good portion (five hours minimum) of one of those days at Starbucks, a “work” day I like to call it, so this last weekend was no different. Or so I thought (Insert suspenseful music here...)

Since I don’t have a vehicle here I tend to do alot of walking. Hitchhiking is an option, just not one I’ve accustomed myself too. Something about being alone and finally coming to terms with the fact that I am not as indestructible as I'd like to think. Anyway, the walk isn’t bad, a little over a mile, and takes me about twenty minutes depending on the pace I assume. The only reason I share this apparently insignificant information is because it will be essential in helping you grasp the beauty of how my seemingly ordinary day became simply extraordinary.

Money was tight, atleast in terms of what I had on me as I walked. Five one dollar bills and a gift card with $2.87 left on it. Also, it is important to point out that things here, in Hawaii, are a bit higher in price than the mainland, and being so I found myself with an unfortunate conundrum. I was concerned about the length of time I wanted to spend at Starbucks equally my ability to milk a drink for all it was worth, meaning the length of time I hoped to be there. If my drink cup was emptied, say about two hours in, and I knew I had another 3 hours or so to go, a strange sense of guilt would begin to form within me followed closely by a subtle paranoia of which I would unintentionally direct towards each barista and their eyes of "condemnation," internet “mooch” and “corner table waster”... Yea, yea, so this may seem a bit dramatic, but don’t deny there are times you’ve felt guilty sitting in a place without having purchased something... or you have purchased something but you have since finished it, yet remain in your chair enjoying the hard seat and straight back... Alright, now we are on the same page (atleast literally, if you are still confused...)

As soon as I began my walk I dropped my identity of English major, temporarily I assure you, and naively picked up the role of mathematician (for future reference, I do not recommend this) and so for the next twenty-ish minutes I pondered how to get my Grande Caramel Frappeccino with two shots of espresso, a drink costing $6 minimum, while leaving change to get a regular coffee for $1.50 and maybe even a refill for 50 cents (tax was not included in my mathematics, I had to draw the line somewhere...) By the time I arrived at Starbucks, back sweat and all, I had yet to come to a solution of how to make my financials match my desires. And so I spent the first 40 minutes upon arrival pretending to read, but really just trying to figure out my life. Finally, with a huge sigh and a heavy step I approached the register.

Barista 2 –“ I like your headband”

Me- “Ahhhh, thanks!”


Me to Barista 1- “How much is a shot of espresso?

Barista 1- “70 cents”

Me- forlorn “Oh, hmmm, so two shots would be $1.40 then huh?”
I wasn’t kidding about practicing my math during the walk, good thing too... came in handy at this point in the convo)

Barista 1 – “Something like that, plus tax”

Me- “And a cup of coffee is around 1.50?”

Barista 1- “Yea...”

Me- sighing, “Ok...... I would like Grande Frapp with one shot espresso, please”
(*important note- I had wanted two shots, because I very much enjoy the stronger coffee flavor paired with the medium sized Caramel Frappe, however, I could have gotten the smaller size with just one shot and the flavor balance would have been comparable. BUT since I hadn’t had dinner I chose to sacrifice flavor for quantity... therefore ordering the medium with one shot... Anyway, carrying on ;)

After placing my order, and paying Barista 1, I took a seat and began to wait for my drink. They had written my name on the cup, so after a few short minutes (way better than “long minutes”- those are the worst) “Erica” rang out and I raised my eyes towards the pickup counter. What I saw was something unexpected and at the same time extraordinary. Something tall, tan and beautiful. Yes, a Caramel Frappeccino, like I had ordered, but this one came in the form of a Vente, which for those unfamiliar with Starbucks lingo, is a size larger than I ordered. As neared the counter, trying to conceal my smiles, Barista 2 learned over,

Barista 2 – “I snuck that extra shot in there for you”

Me – Smile, Smile, SMILE “Thank you” SMILE

I gingerly grabbed my drink, smiles breaking free at last, and returned to my dimly lit seat in the corner, thinking to myself over and over, “This is the best day of my life. I am the luckiest girl alive... ”

Alright, now, all excessively unnecessary, yet highly enjoyable, dramatic tones set aside and genuine sincerity retrieved, this was a big deal. I had just spent the last hour of my life, ridiculously I realize, worrying over how to make my unwavering desire to get what I wanted come true, two shots of espresso in my drink of choice, while leaving change enough to get a regular coffee for the walk home. I know I know, I could have sucked it up and gotten a plain coffee or no extra shots of espresso and it would have had plenty... The point is that I had a desire, a small insignificant and rather superfluous in the scheme of life, and yet there was God knowing how much I wanted that extra shot. How much it would mean to me. Simple, I know... But that’s what makes it so amazing. There I was, about to settle for one and He chose to simply bless me, to show his love for me and to give me that little desire regardless of how insignificant it might seem to most. I guess it just reminded me of how deep His love is.

I’ve often heard people say that God delights in giving us the desires of our hearts, but my mind usually goes to things like marriage, a house, a new car or a dependable job. You know the “big” things in life. However, that extra shot helped me realize He saw my desire, in all its simplicity, and delighted in giving to me just as much as anything else... Well, maybe not just as much, but a whole lot :)

I hope that as you go through this next week, month, year, you begin to notice the little things God is giving you, and that you are overwhelmed with a revelation of His love for you as I was. Trust me, it moves your day from ordinary to extraordinary in no time :)
Alright friends, this story wouldn’t be complete without a picture..

So, here it is. Tall, tan and beautiful....


  1. I love this post. I love reading your blog. Thought you should know.

    I also love you and am happy that you got your Venti Caramel Frapp. You should also know that the funds we're sending you are explicitly for Starbucks. We promise not to be those "supporters" who are all "I want to be in Hawaii with a Venti Caramel Frapp." Even though we do. Want to be in Hawaii. Preferably at Starbucks, having coffee with you.

  2. Love this. Gus. You are such a blessing and I almost just wrote you are such a Frapp.
